Of course you should. Even we are. These days, you don't even have to be the target. Businesses are suffering immeasurable losses just by being innocent bystanders - collateral damage in state-on-state cyber warfare. Look at the "Not Petya" attacks from a few years back. It's terrifying.
Or maybe you are the target. Do you hold personal data, credit card info, intellectual property? Anything that someone might benefit from stealing, whether they be an organised crime group, a disgruntled employee, a competitor, or a bored teenager in his basement? In addition to your own intellectual property, do you hold clients' intellectual property? Can you afford to have that stolen and released publicly, with all its legal repercussions?
It's a question of when, not if, you'll be breached. So then the real question is this: how do you minimise the damage when it happens? Now we're talking.
We're not here to recommend and install a thousand fancy cyber tools to 'keep you safe'. The bad guys will get around them eventually, in fact they may already be inside, 'sleeping', waiting for their time to strike. What we do is cyber resilience. We're experts not only in making it so there's the least possible chance of an attacker getting 'in' without being detected, but in making it so that if they do get through, your business suffers the least possible damage, the least possible down time, the least possible loss of business functionality.
And it doesn't have to cost a fortune.